Custom Aluminum Plaques

Our cast aluminum plaques are available in with a Brushed Aluminum finish, or a Bronze Finish, and come with a Variety of Fonts, Color Fills, and Border Styles

Cast aluminum is a lightweight, durable metal suited for outdoor use. It is an economical alternative to bronze. In designing your plaque, limit text to a maximum of 2-3 characters per square inch (e.g., a 5×8 plaque, which is 40 square inches, should have no more than 120 characters). Reproduction of small letters and detailed artwork is best done with our etched metal plaques.

Ordering Information
Custom aluminum products have many options.
Please contact us to discuss your project. We will be glad to provide a quote:

[email protected]
Phone & Fax: 330-633-9491

Please specify:

  1. what product and size you are interested in,
  2. whether it will be mounted indoors or outdoors,
  3. the content and layout (text and graphics),
  4. your expected delivery date.


Usage: Interior or Exterior
Mounting: Corner Screws, Studs, Anchors, Stake or Post
Sizes: 48” x 36” (1728 sq. in.)
Thickness: Approx. .25″
Finishes: Brushed Aluminum or Brushed Bronze (the bronze finish is a chemical colorant that will fade outdoors to natural aluminum after several years)
Images: Must be cast from a black and white line drawing or black and white clip art*

Estimated Base Price for Standard Rectangular Aluminum Plaque and Layout:

  • 3×5: $68.00 + $.50/Letter
  • 6×8: $127.00 + $.50/Letter
  • 8×10: $212.00 + $.50/Letter
  • 12×14: $445.00 + $.50/Letter
  • 20×16: $848.00 + $.50/Letter
  • 24×20: $1272.00 + $.50/Letter
  • 24×36: $2290.00 + $.50/Letter
  • 36×48: $4579.00 + $.50/Letter

Available in numerous shapes and sizes. Please contact us for pricing information.

Prices subject to change without notice.

Please Note: Base price does not include custom artwork, stake/pole mount or shipping.

*Portrait photographs can be professionally sketched as a line drawing starting at around $250 (depending on size).


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